Chris Lightbody is an award-winning producer with over ten years of professional experience in post-production, video, audio and animation. He is known professionally for his versatility and adaptive approach to productions as well as for his encyclopedic knowledge of production technology. He is particularly invested in using his skills to foster collaboration and creativity in the anime industry.

Chris received a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in digital arts and technology with an emphasis in film and animation and a minor in Japanese language. After college, he moved to California to pursue work as a producer within the anime industry, and eventually found a place at Crunchyroll in San Francisco. Since moving to Japan in 2023, Chris has continued to work with various companies in the anime industry and has most recently been a featured artist at Studio Kura Artist Residency in Itoshima, Fukuoka, where he created a short film featuring original music and landscapes of the Itoshima area. He is currently attending the Academy of Language Arts Japanese language school in Iidabashi, Tokyo.

When he’s not deep in an edit nudging clips frame by frame until a cut hits just right, he spends his time studying Japanese, playing drums to his favorite jazz records, meticulously brewing the perfect cup of coffee and keeping up with the newest anime series. Above all, Chris's passion for precision is what distinguishes and drives him.